Coming to an End

Welcome everybody to another fun blog post. Lets get started:

Problem 1:
So this week's problem was kind of interesting. The issue was now that we're coming to the end of this lovely project. It comes down to fine tuning and so this is like the last 20% left of the project which this is where a lot of teams fail because they don't know how to improve on what they have at the moment. Since this is where we are at we need to buckle down and improve the game in anyway possible. How can we do that? That's what I was asked myself all week...

Solution 1:
he solution was simple play test. What could I do to improve this game??? What are other people are seeking and would they think if they've never played a game like this before. I wouldn't know it off the top of my head unless I played and played and played. I play tested all week. Gathering all sorts of bugs that need to be fixed. Which we can tackle in this upcoming week. I've also gathered information on how can we improve and give the user more feedback. Play testing is the key to that. Having other people in my family come. Testing and tell me what they think of it after. Never trying it. That is the key to understanding what is needed to make that last 20% turn into 0 %, which means we would have a 100% completed our game. Thank you guys see you next week

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