Tutorials and Bug Fixes

[Stacy Felde] 2-16-2024

Tutorials have been integrated into the combat level, offering a smoother learning curve. Alongside this, several pesky bugs have been squashed to ensure a glitch-free adventure.

One notable bug fix involves tutorial triggers persisting even after being read. Now, these triggers delete upon reading or when tutorials are disabled, ensuring a clutter-free interface. Another bug related to the Ally Collection Popup not disappearing has been resolved. The popup now disappears after 5 seconds, providing a more dynamic experience.

Visual cues for door lock/unlock status have been refined to display accurate information. A check for the key and sprite assignment in the Begin Play ensures players are informed correctly. Additionally, enemies can now navigate through open doors seamlessly, thanks to a dynamic navmesh adjustment in the dungeon level.

As development continues, stay tuned for more updates!

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