Teaching the User Combat

Hey, everybody we are, 2 more weeks away from our deadline. I could bore you and tell you all I am doing is debugging... which is what I am mainly doing but I did one thing to which you will find enjoyable. Let's get started...

Problem 1:
So for this week's problem? I had to come up with a solution on. How would I give the player an understanding on how to use every character. For instance, how would you be able to move attack? And things like that is pretty simple, though. Cause my solutions kind of fun.

Solution 1:
I worked with one of my team members and we were able to make a small tutorial video of every single play able character. If a person choose to use the tutorial, they can actually see the a video clip on how to use the character properly, pretty smart huh.  Well, other than doing that I basically been debugging all week. So I'll talk to you guys more next week I will go on.


Installer_Q4D 440 MB
Feb 15, 2024

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