Tutorial Trials

[2-23/2024] Stacy Felde

Firstly, bugs related to multiple tutorial prompts have been tackled, ensuring a smooth progression when more than one tutorial is in play. The game map underwent meticulous edits, with adjustments to collision settings and the addition of new tutorial prompts. Door prices were revamped, and the size of the tutorial window received a thoughtful adjustment, optimizing the visual aspects of the game.

A crucial phase involved rigorous testing of the entire project to identify and implement fixes for any lurking bugs. A collaborative team meeting proved instrumental in this process, as we collectively tested the game, seeking feedback from Mr. Lugo.

Further refinements were made to the credit screen, eliminating unused space and rectifying bugs related to tutorial triggers persisting after combat and the malfunctioning tutorial toggle. Additional collision adjustments were made to objects in the game level, contributing to a smoother gaming environment.

Visual enhancements were introduced to the tutorials, elevating the overall presentation and ensuring a more engaging learning experience. An essential breakthrough was made in finding a fix for tutorial videos not playing when the game is packaged, ensuring that multimedia elements seamlessly integrate into the gaming adventure.

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