
Author: Stacy Felde
Date: 11/10/2023


Hey devs and gamers! This week, our game dev team hit some exciting milestones. I focused on key components – from weapon stats to player controllers. In this post, I'll dive into my specific contributions, offering a glimpse into our collaborative progress. Join me for a quick journey into the heart of our latest developments! 


  • Weapon Component: Manages various aspects related to weapons, including damage, block, range, and accuracy.
  • Player Component: Manages player-related attributes such as health, strength, stamina, wisdom, and speed.
  • Health Component: Manages health-related functionalities.
  • Player Controller: Represents the player controller handling player input and interactions.
  • Weapon Base: Serves as a base class for all weapons in the game.

Problems Encountered: 

  • Circular Dependencies:
    • Challenge: Originally, a struct managed the weapon stats, leading to circular dependencies and variable accessibility issues.
    • Resolution: To address this, I opted to remove the struct and directly store the data within the Weapon Component, effectively breaking the circular dependency loop.
  • Accessing Variables:
    • Challenge: Recreating the Weapon Component resulted in difficulties accessing certain variables.
    • Resolution: I revamped the Blueprint for the weapon, leveraging the Weapon Base to assign variables in the Weapon Component. This strategic restructuring resolved the accessibility concerns.
  • Player Face Direction:
    • Challenge: Achieving consistent character orientation proved elusive, especially with attempts using yaw to controller input and orienting to movement.
    • Resolution: To tackle this, I plan to set the character's direction each time they move, ensuring a reliable and responsive approach to facing the last direction of movement.

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