
Author: Isobel Hammonds
Posted on 11/10/2023

Hello y'all! I'm Isobel, part of the Gouda Games dev team. I, as a member, have focused on the Level Design, UI Design/Functionality, and Button Functionality for our project. I am a creative person by heart, so working on more of the design side always gets me exited!

Overview of Work:
- Level Design: Level for the player to traverse through while playing.
- UI Design: UI in the style of our game that gives the user any needed information.
- Button Functionality: Allows the player to select buttons that should work how their name says.

Problems I Ran Into:
- Textures in level not adhering to the objects correctly.
    - Problem: When new textures were applied to the surfaces of the level, they would become stretched and distorted. This can cause the player to feel disoriented and not want to continue playing because of visual strain. Not having the textures look correct can also affect how the game is seen, making people think that not much thought was put into the design side of the game.
    - Solution: I had done some research on how to apply textures on spread-out/multiple surfaces to see where I was going wrong. I had learned my issue was that I wasn't applying it to the WorldAlignedTexture of Unreal. I had not known of this option beforehand. After gaining this new piece of knowledge, I now know how to properly apply any kind of texture to our level going forward.

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