Level Loading

Problems triggering level loading when it should not be

Author: Robert Dionian

Posted on 11/10/2023

The Problem:

The initial transition from the overworld map to the combat map works as intended. The problem is when in the combat map the level loading is still triggered when we do not want it to be. This would be a problem for users because every time the player or the enemy would get within range of attacking one another the level would reload, and everything would be reset. Resulting in an endless loop of get close enough to attack restart.

The Solution:

I am still working on a solution, I have tried using a bool set after the level is loaded to use with an if check, the problem with that is the values are being reset to there default values when the level loads. A solution that I am thinking of is rather than loading a new level, just streaming a new level in and creating a level stream object to use with the "Is Level Loaded" function. Another solution would be to have a different enemy class for overworld enemies and enemies on the combat map.

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