Generalist Journey

Level Design Focus: The week began with a focus on level assets. I meticulously improved functionality for doors and chests, addressing player orientation and camera issues for a smoother virtual experience.

Refining Combat Levels: Midweek, attention turned to refining the combat level. Lighting adjustments and dungeon level integration added depth. Simultaneously, I contributed to technical documentation and portfolio assignments, showcasing a holistic approach to game development.

Asset Integration and Cleanup: Thursday showcased asset integration prowess. Detail-oriented work on enemy assets, materials, and skeletons, along with addressing variable accessibility and exploring save game class intricacies, laid the groundwork for a streamlined gaming experience.

Combat Functionality Refinement: The latter part of the week focused on perfecting combat functionality. Reworking blueprints, introducing features like mini-map toggles and audio research, showcased a commitment to sophistication. My role as a team player extended to providing support for combat level challenges.

Culmination of Achievements: As the week closed, efforts bore fruit. Player objectives, a temporary game loop, and improved lighting marked significant achievements. Combat level updates, including refined input UI and a successful attack button implementation, added depth. Particle effects in chests and a flawless build and installer marked technical peaks.

In reflection, the week was a journey of growth and collaboration. From refining level designs to enhancing combat functionality, each day contributed to our collective vision of an outstanding gaming experience. 

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