Toggling Teammate Stat Menu

Author: Isobel Hammonds

Posted on 11/24/2023

Overview of Work:
- Combat UI: Showing he player the current attackers turn in the upper left corner

- Teammate UI: Allow the player to see their own and allies' stats after pressing a button within the teammate menu

Problems I Ran Into:

- Teammate UI not properly opening and not being removed when the UI is closed.

     - Problem: When the player would enter the Teammate UI and press the button of the character they wished to see the stats of, the info widget would not appear. After I had gotten that problem solved, when they would close the teammate menu, the widget with the info would not be closed. This can make the game seem very unpolished and have the player wondering why they can't open or close this simple menu.

    - Solution: After some messing around I realized I needed to create this widget in a specific area for it to be opened after the button click of the player. I also add the functionality of removing the info widget to the closing button of the teammate menu to help with the issue of it not being removed. 

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