Where do we place the rules?

Hello, everybody and welcome to another week's blog post. This week I had an interesting problem which I didn't see coming. But nevertheless you gotta overcome them to get to move forward. But enough about the overview let's get started.

Problem 1
So this week's first problem and probably the most important problem we could have had. We have to set the rules to the combat. This problem occurred in the most awkward is conversations. I've had with the teammate. Especially about how are we supposed to set up rules to again? We're trying to make. We have to set our own rules. And I have a question to my audience here. Have you ever made up a game? And try to make rules for the game. But I'm trying to benefit just yourself in the process. Yeah, it's hello bit difficult, but that wasn't the biggest problem. The problem was where place the rules to the game. You can't just have it all on top of a player code. Or you can't have it on top of. The maps code well you could, but you shouldn't.

Solution 1
So the way we came to trying to figure out where to place this code was very funny... So I was having a conversation with. What am I team members? The same team member that you'll hear More about later. And I had asked him setting a rules. Don't you want like a manager or like a Game mode where you could set all these rules and reference the rules every now and then. And he's like, yeah, it does sound like something. We should do especially no making rules is kind of what the turn based controls is because it's determining who goes first and when where could setting up the rules of the level. Well, if you didn't read it where I just wrote. I said the answer without realizing it was the answer in our conversation with each other. It is.... the GAME MODE. We had all this code and have yet touched the game mode it was baffling to say the least. But since I'm making up the rules as I code [pun intended] it will be a vital part to our game.

Problem 2
So this week's problem was interesting. One especially the fact that they're trying to get the turn base controls to be operational with multiple players. When I say multiple; I mean the characters that the player can control and the enemy AI can  control. Which for the AI that would be the enemy characters. Luckily I collaborated with another team member, like the old saying goes misery loves company. We thought of a way of attacking this issue and we thought. Oh we can just set up a priority queue. Actually, we thought we could use the same priority queue idea that we use on a path finding however. The comparator wasn't working properly.  So this led us back to the drawing board to figure out a way; how can we organize stuff in a way that we know the order of everything being passed in.

Solution 2
So how are we going to organize our player in a way where we know the order of which they're being passed in and which they will be called. Simple, how is it always so hard for me to see the simplest solution.  Every time overlook something simple a QUEUE NOT A PRIORTY QUEUE. This can store what we need to store and tell us whose next. All we would have to do is remove the first item in the queue; So that the next person in this queue can go. Doing so we realize that we can now control who gets past in by their speed. So now the speeds that is a very crucial.  Part of the game. Because if you're the fastest on the field, you can go first. But if you're the slowest, you might have to wait. A few turns prior to attacking.

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