Combat Controls Panel Creation

Author: Isobel Hammonds

Posted on 12/8/2023

Overview of Work:
- Combat UI Updates: New icons switcher backing and moved the End Turn button closer to the player icon.

- Combat Controls UI: Moved combat controls panel to its own separate widget.

- In Game UI: Shifted around the layout of UI, got rid of the teams button.

- Damage Indicator: 3D Widget placed on the Enemy

- Created custom Gem model: For the player to collect

Problems I Ran Into:
- Combat Controls Panel Not Properly Being Added to the Screen

 - Problem: The combat controls panel would not appear as soon as the player would be put into the combat level. This causes problems as the player won't know what to do in the instance of defeating the enemy. Another thing is it will pop up if you press the key it is attached to twice which will make the player wonder what they had done and question why it wasn't up in the first place.

    - Solution: I managed to find the issue with the order of the widgets being created in the combat level. I had to detach a remove all widgets function that a fellow teammate had used to fix a previous issue and moved the creation of the control panel to one of the first to be created.

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