
Hello, everybody and welcome to another week's blog post. This week I had an interesting problem which took the entire team by surprise. But nevertheless you gotta overcome them to get to move forward. But enough about the overview let's get started. 

Problem 1:
Well the biggest problem occurred today you really don't expect to get a message that states "Hey your game crashes" FYI that is terrifying! My first thought was it has to be a character that is being destroyed and we are trying to access again. Well I hoped that was the issue because i wasn't home when i got that message.  So after I got home from therapy [ side note I am learning how to walk lol again but that is a story for another day ], the fun aka DEBUGGING beings. What could the issue be?

Solution 1:
 So first thing I did when I got online was ask the person how did this error occur and the response was exactly what I was hoping for... The game crashes right after the player wins combat then the enemy disappears, but the player still needs to click end turn to get the  win screen. Resulting in the crash. After hearing that response I knew exactly where the issue was occurring. We previously had a check for if the enemies health <= 0 we would win. BUT  in this case we were trying to check on someone who doesn't exist. Which luckily was a patch work fix which most DEFIENTLY will be changed but to make a build and send it out this was the fastest choice. I can honestly say it's not my best work but a patch job is a patch job. BUT THE CRASHING ISSUE WAS RESOLVED... which is the main point.

Thanks for coming this week and Happy Holidays see you lot next week!

Get Quest for Dominion

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