Converting Blueprints

[1/12/2024]  Stacy Felde

In the initial coding phase, I laid the groundwork for the GameInstance and PlayerCharacter, establishing the foundation for subsequent development. A significant achievement was the completion of the CollectableItemBase, marking a crucial milestone in the coding journey.

Transitioning to the DoorBase, the door conversion process was initiated, accompanied by challenges. While progress was made with the successful implementation of opening and closing functionality for the prison door, a notable hurdle surfaced.

An additional challenge emerged with the TimelineComponent, requiring thoughtful consideration. To address this complexity, a custom function was crafted, showcasing adaptability in the face of coding challenges.

Simultaneously, an impending challenge lies in the inability to access the inventory to check for the key, attributed to the inventory being exclusively in blueprint. Though this challenge hasn't been tackled yet, proactive measures are underway to explore potential solutions before implementing any major changes.

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