Stats Easy Right?

Hey, everybody, I'm welcome back to another blog post here about Quest for Dominion let's get down to the meat and potatoes of it today. 

Problem 1:
So this week's problem is basically a carry over from last week, which was the resetting of stats. And it was going well to the point of finding all objects and resetting them, test to see if I broke anything if so see why until the errors are gone; which was working to that end. However, this week led to some more issues. We did not foresee that having to find every reference to an item that you're trying to convert from blueprint to code. For instance, this problem occurred basically when I had to start converting the players stats to code and changing all the references from blueprint to the code versions. At first I thought it would be as simple as Ctrl-F and type the search of the selected object... but why would it ever be that simple... 

Solution 1:
Well it wasn't just a Ctrl-F And type the search of the selected object. But instead it became a team search because it wasn't just my code that I had to go into. I had to go into several people's code, or blueprint or both... To paint you a picture we started at Playercharacter.cpp then combat player blueprint, after that we went into combat UI. Then after the combat UI, it went back to the actual player character, it became the giant Rabbit hole that technically we're still in. The reason why I say we're still technically working on is because myself and Stacy had been diving into everyone's code and trying to find every reference possible to about spawning in and when we finally found the one part that had the player spawning in their allies. We found exactly where we wanted to place our array. That would store the player stats and reuse it when they were in the combat level, which was great. Resulting in good news. So now that we can actually see our current stats for the player and the allies stats. BUT this led us to our next problem... 

Problem 2:
 The image above is showing the stats prior to entering combat and when we would return from combat so that led me to my next issue with the player, and the allies to retaining their stats after combat and gaining EXPERIENCE. Now we have the big problem of our experience points, not transferring and since the experience is not transferring, you can't level up your characters which causes problems for players not wanting to play the game as the intend to. Which was a big part of our game so how do we attack this.... 

Solution 2:
This solution is actually quite an interesting one. Because we have to know put a break point probably in the code version of our objects, because the majority of this is done in C++ and I have to see when the experience points are being called and if they're being called. Are they using the correct version? So I have a feeling. This is gonna be a day problem. But working with Stacy, and we should be able to knock this out today and hopefully, I'll be able to start on something you all might find pretty cool. So comeback next week.

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