Finally Done with Stats and A NEW ATTACK PATTERN

Welcome everybody to another weeks blog post let's get started.

Problem 1:
So I had one final problem with stats. And men wasn't an easy fix yet. Also a pain to find because it was such a small small detail but it means so much of importance. Basically, the stats from the combat level would sometimes.  Transfer to the open world. But it wouldn't happen every time. It would only happen every other or every 3 other times and it was really odd. But it took me a while to realize TIMING.  Is very important...

Solution 1:
So the problem was we were transferring back to the open world too soon. Meaning we had to slow down the transition from the combat to the open world and allow the stats to update and store the information to where it needed to be stored; the way that I found this out was because I put a simple brake point right for when the stats were supposed to be saved and I realized it was called every other time and I was like. Do I have to slow down or delay the transition and guess what? That's what it was a simple delay was all that was needed.

Problem 2:
My next problem and probably the one I'm more excited about. Yes, I'm excited about a problem. I really wanted to give our calvary person a new attack functionality and this time I had to come up with a way to get my enemy to move to the proper tile (essentially setting up a knockback attack effect), but it was not working properly instead. He was sliding across the map. I was using that launched character function which would launch character and yes, moved my targeted enemy. But he never stopped moving. He just kept going going and going until you finally hit a wall. Well, in our battle scene. There's no walls, so all you would see is the orc just keep going and going until they felt like it. So how do I adjust that?

Solution 2:
So the way I fix that was I realize. I didn't want to launch my enemy character to a tile. I just wanted to set him to a new tile location. And yes, there is a split second where the enemy disappears then reappears, which doesn't look right, but that could be easily covered up with a special effects, explosion or a random effect or something in that of affect. I'm excited that I know my solution and how I fix it? And I'm going to attack this special effects coming up soon enough. Hope to see you guys here next week.

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