Unlocking Progress: From Stats to Tutorials

[2-9-2024] Stacy Felde

In the latest strides of development, my collaboration with AJ has proven fruitful, ensuring the correct transfer of stats and resolving lingering issues. To enhance the player experience, I delved into fixing bugs related to leveling up stats and initiated the creation of a credits screen.

A notable addition was the implementation of a popup when opening chests, along with fixes for health updates and collaboration with AJ to tackle random stat-related problems. The journey involved overcoming challenges, from stats not loading initially to uncovering a missed function call affecting stat displays upon returning to the dungeon. Simultaneously, work commenced on a character info screen to offer players valuable insights.

A venture into gems popping out of chests sparked curiosity, leading to research and the execution of a Niagara particle effect for chests opening, introducing a captivating visual element to the gameplay. Refined popups and addressed lock visibility issues further polished the gaming experience.

As the game's auditory dimension took center stage, sounds for opening chests and doors were incorporated. This aligned with the ongoing effort to create a more immersive gaming experience.

The development timeline witnessed the integration of temporary sounds, completion of the Character UI, and the implementation of character info UI in various game menus. The credits screen found its place in both the win condition and the main menu.

In the realm of allies, I added names, fixed bugs related to the end turn button and pause menu accessibility, and introduced a popup for collecting allies. This fostered a more engaging interaction with the game, providing players with clearer feedback.

The journey into tutorial creation unfolded, starting with the initiation of tutorial tips. Players are now prompted to enable tutorial tips during the start of a new game, receiving informative prompts, especially when collecting gems. Additional efforts are underway to create tutorial tips for various game elements.

Despite connectivity challenges limiting productivity on certain days, work on refining video functionality paved the way for smoother integration of multimedia elements into the gaming experience.

As development continues, the focus remains on refining and expanding gameplay elements, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging experience for players. Stay tuned for more updates as the game evolves!

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